2018年11月4日 星期日

password using chpasswd how to

引用:http://www.roundcubeforum.net/index.php?topic=21861.0 password using chpasswd how to Since I got no response on the PAM method, I tried the chpasswd method. After much research, trial and error, and the like, I did get it to work. Here are the instructions to save future researchers the trouble: 1) enable password function vi /var/www/html/roundcube/config/config.inc.php - alter the following line as follows: $config['plugins'] = array('password'); cd /var/www/html/roundcube/plugins/password cp config.inc.php.dist config.inc.php 2) enable the password plugin cd /var/www/html/roundcube/plugins/password cp config.inc.php.dist config.inc.php vi config.inc.php - alter the following as follows: $config['password_driver'] = 'chpasswd'; 3) allow apache to run the script visudo - add to bottom Defaults:apache !requiretty apache ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/chpass-wrapper.py 4) add blacklisted users and minimum UID below vi /var/www/html/roundcube/plugins/password/helpers/chpass-wrapper.py BLACKLIST = ( # add blacklisted users here comma separated 'root' ) if user.pw_uid < 494: sys.exit('Changing the password for user id < 494 is forbidden') 5) copy the helper to executable directory & set make it executable cp /var/www/html/roundcube/plugins/password/helpers/chpass-wrapper.py /usr/sbin chmod 755 /usr/sbin/chpass-wrapper.py 6) alter the driver to run the helper which in turn runs the driver (wraps it) vi /var/www/html/roundcube/plugins/password/config.inc.php old: $config['password_chpasswd_cmd'] = 'sudo /usr/sbin/chpasswd 2> /dev/null'; new: $config['password_chpasswd_cmd'] = 'sudo /usr/sbin/chpass-wrapper.py 2> /dev/null';

